Unlocking Calmness: How to De-Stress Your Mind

Unlocking Calmness: How to De-Stress Your Mind
Leon Hartley 3/10/23

Understanding Stress: The Invisible Foe

Let's embark on a journey to understand stress. We typically associate it as something negative and view it as an invisible foe. But in reality, stress is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it acts as an essential response that can help us cope with threats or challenges, thus spurring us on towards goals and coveted achievements. On the other hand, prolonged or excess stress can undoubtedly be detrimental to our physical and mental health. Therein lies the importance of managing it before it manages us.

Biology has given us an adrenaline rush, better known as 'Fight or Flight' response, to preserve us from imminent danger. But, when stress horridly mutates into an ongoing feature of our lives, it's then time to press the panic button. Sounds a little intimidating, right? So, if you've always thought your stressors are invincible, think again! Personally, I have been combating the stealthy monster for ages. After all, being a blogger and a father isn't what I'd call a walk in the park with my loveable golden retriever, Max. But, now looking at my kiddo Rory and seeing the world through his eyes helps bring the chaos into perspective.

Identifying Your Stress Triggers: Let the Hunt Begin

Moving towards unlocking calmness, the first strategy is to identify what's hurling us into the never-ending stressful spiral. Stress can be a sneaky devil, hitting us when we least expect it. When I first started writing, I realised late nights and constant screen time were my stress triggers. For others, it might be work-related challenges, relationship issues, health problems, or simply the amount of blue in the sky on any given day. Yes, it can be that subjective!

Identifying your stress triggers is a bit like playing detective - it may take time to gather the clues. But trust me, once you do and you start modifying your behaviour or environment to reduce these triggers, you'll see a significant improvement in your mental well-being. Stress recognition is the first step to mastering stress management. It's like finding out who the bad guy is in a mystery movie; once you've identified the villain, the rest of the plot begins to make sense.

Practising Mindfulness: The Art of Staying Present

Once we've located the root causes of our stress, it's time to dive into the art of mindfulness. Quite often, our minds are either dwelling in the past or anxiously anticipating the future. This constant zigzag between past and future is a breeding ground for stress. Mindfulness is all about being fully present and engaged in the current moment. This might sound ridiculously simple, but precious few of us actually manage to do it. Let's consider a familiar example from my diary. Max (my golden retriever) is an expert in mindfulness. Every time he fetches the ball, he does so with unwavering concentration, undistracted by past failures or future expectations, and I continue to learn from him every day.

Being 'engaged' in the moment doesn't mean you switch off from everything else. On the contrary, it means paying closer attention to your surroundings; your breath; the scents, sounds, or sights around you. To get started, you could try focussing on your breathing cycle for a couple of minutes every day and gradually increase this time. Engaging in mindful practices has been empirically proven to reduce stress and brings a sense of calm and peace to the mind

Physical Activities: The Natural Stress Relievers

Let's now explore one of my most recommended ways to de-stress - physical activities. Your body being active releases chemicals called endorphins - neurotransmitters in the brain that act as natural painkillers and mood elevators. When I talk of physical activity, it doesn't necessarily mean performing rigorous workouts at the gym (although if that's your thing, more power to you!). Even something as simple as taking a walk, dancing to your favourite tune, or my personal favourite, playing fetch with Max, could work assuredly well.

If you're someone who finds exercise boring, remember this is about finding something you love doing that also engages your body. You could try out different activities until you find what suits you best. Believe me, once you find your groove, you'll be amazed at how effectively it eases off stress. You'll not only start feeling physically better, but it'll greatly enhance your mental well-being as well. Remember, a healthy body fosters a healthy mind.

Healthy Connections: Your Safety Net against Stress

Last but not least, we arrive at what I believe to be one of the most potent stress busters - making healthy connections. We humans are social beings and thrive on connections. Relationships and companionship play an integral role in helping us manage stress. In times of stress, our natural inclination is to connect with others as an inherent survival mechanism. It's perhaps this reason that seeing my son Rory's innocent smile or hearing Max's excited barks when I reach home, take a big chunk of my stress away.

Establishing healthy connections can be as simple as spending quality time with family or friends, or having deep heart-to-heart conversations with someone you trust. It could even be owning a pet (trust me, they're great at de-stressing!) or engaging in community service. The key here is positive engagement with other living beings who understand and care for you, and help you vent your pent-up stress. Easier said than done, but absolutely worth the effort.

In conclusion, stress can indeed be a stubborn, viscous tangle of unease, but by practicing mindfulness, identifying stress triggers, staying physically active, and forming healthy connections, we can definitely give it a tough fight. And remember, every struggle is made easier with a dash of humour and a whole lot of patience. So, whether you’re stress chasing or practicing patience, do it with a smile because, in the end, our ultimate goal is to find happiness. Isn’t it?

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