Ongoing Notional Model of Brooklyn via Architectural Experiments (O.N.M.B.V.A.E)

Surface Gallery
15-17 Jan 2-7pm
18-24 Jan 2-6pm

Taking architecture as the core inevitable function of both physical and meta-physical products, Sebastian Craig intends to build structures for which the artist can be held accountable.

O.N.M.B.V.A.E is the largest of Sebastian Craig's series of "notional architectures". For Radiator, Craig will build a virtual city for the New York borough of Brooklyn, a place that Craig has never been.

The model has, up to this point, been built through discussion and SMS Text with the artist and Brooklyn resident Tyler Coburn. Via this communication, Sebastian Craig has constructed architectural experiments in the form of “Pavilions” which have then been mapped into a model of the area.

As potential inhabitants, Sebastian Craig invites visitors to contribute their personal and colloquial memories or visions of Brooklyn.

Craig will be developing the city throughout the Radiator Festival in response to the texts received.  Updated versions will be displayed at the festival as they arrive.

How Does Brooklyn Appear to You?

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